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How to Fix Iexplore.exe Errors

Iexplore.exe error messages can be caused by a number of software conflicts and Internet Explorer add-on issues. These error messages tend to appear soon after installing a new program or add-on. This article is split into two sections---the first instructs you how to disable an add-on and the second deals with uninstalling a program. Although you may experience this problem with any version of Windows, we've used Windows Vista instructions for this article. If you have another version of Windows, you can follow the broad instructions but may have to alter specific steps to achieve the same task.

Step 1
Click on the "Start" button, then choose "Control Panel."

Step 2
In the left column of the Control Panel, click on "Classic View." Find "Internet Options" and double-click on it.

Step 3
Select the "Programs" tab, then click on the "Manage Add-ons" button.

Step 4
Microsoft categorizes the add-ons by type. Locate the add-on you recently installed, and highlight it by clicking it. Right-click, and select "Disable."

Step 5
If the problem persists, disable each add-on until the error message no longer appears.

Uninstalling a Program

Step 1
Click on the "Start" button, then choose "Control Panel."

Step 2
In the left column of the Control Panel, click on "Classic View." Double-click on "Programs and Features."

Step 3
Select the program you recently installed. Click on "Uninstall" or "Uninstall/Change." Confirm your decision to uninstall when prompted.

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